Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The effect of intrathecal fentanyl on Cerebral State Index-guided sedation during spinal anaesthesia*

This study investigated the effect of intrathecal fentanyl on the dose of propofol during sedation guided by Cerebral State Index monitoring. Seventy patients were randomly assigned to receive either fentanyl 25 μg (n = 35) or normal saline (n = 35) with hyperbaric bupivacaine 12.5 mg for spinal anaesthesia. Propofol was infused to maintain a Cerebral State Index value of 65–75 for 30 min. The propofol infusion time and dose required to reach a Cerebral State Index value of 75 were recorded together with the time required to reach a Cerebral State Index value higher than 90 after cessation of sedation. The onset time for sedation was faster and the recovery time was slower in the fentanyl group compared to those in the saline group (p = 0.018 and 0.027, respectively). The propofol doses required for onset and maintenance of sedation were significantly lower in the fentanyl group compared to those in the control group (p = 0.018 and < 0.001, respectively). In conclusion, adding intrathecal fentanyl 25 μg during spinal anaesthesia significantly reduced the dose of propofol required for sedation and prolonged the subsequent recovery time.

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